Friday, November 22, 2019

The Road to Golgonooza, part 1

Reading a lot of jam comics, one can discern characteristic tropes, rhythms, and vicissitudes. I think that makes the comic jam a unique genre any cartoonist might choose to work within. 

Here's the first third or so of my new comic running in The Brooklyn Rail. It plays with the comic jam and its sister genre, the biographic profile. I try to change styles two or three times per page, mashing up various artists who interest me. I don't feel I do justice to any of my influences, but it's fun to try. I hope you'll find this amusing or at least not too annoying. 


Page one: M.C. BloV8, logo and anagrams, recently had a career retrospective at NYC's Fugitive Gallery. He can be reached care of Singsing.

Chris M. Otterson, panel 1, is at work on a series of Tijuana Bibles inspired by the classic Man from Nantucket books. Check his instagram for a preview: @cmot15

Gonzo Loretta O'Hagood, panels 2-4, received this year's Pini Award for her webcomic, Ginger Duck and her Barnyard Friends.

Page two: Cassie Motswald, panels 1 & 2, hosts the monthly Captain Crayon's Crap-Art Contest at T. Martooni's. Her Instagram: @cmot15

Jacqueline Pharmakos, panel 3, is best known for her psychedelic set designs off off Broadway in Helter Skelter, the Musical, but she also makes comics.

M. Isaac Cartozia, panel 4, chronicles the adventures of Conan Doyle, Barbarian Detective at

Page three: Cyndi Rizzo, former show runner for Vivian Girls Anime, is hard at work designing rides for the spinoff park, Darger World.

Illustrator Stevens Valmor blogs at

Cookie Motowan's weekly strip, Hump Day Dump Tay, is seen every Wednesday by subscribers to The Artlink Letter. Instagram: @cmot15

Page four: Medea Starkers is a package designer for Condign Desserts, LLC.

The team of Motte & Bailey serialize the adventures of the Putti Patrol in The Christian Youth's Fundament. Instagram: @cmot15

T. Motley is the author of The Road to Golgonooza, a fake jam comic.

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