Friday, April 28, 2017

Praise for Cartozia Tales

Here's a recent, substantial review of Cartozia Tales from Rob Clough's blog, High-Low.

Rob praises the series for its "ambition, playfulness, formal daring and fun"  and goes on to say, "that level of sincerity, effort and creativity is a remarkable tonic to the level of cynical, money-making tropes that I see in so much YA fiction."

He names me the creative team's secret weapon, for my "relentless commitment to formal experimentation" and "proclivity for whimsy and wordplay" (though he still doesn't like my scratchy ink work).

It's been a great run, but we're winding it down now.

We're working away at our climactic final issue (honest!), but we need more subscribers to get over the finish line. Please join us and tell your friends, too. They make great gifts for literate kids, y'know.

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