In the Comics Inventions course, I’m thinking of reforging this Chain Cartoon from the 1990s.
Back when I was directing the group-strip, Hector, I received a chain letter in the mail. In the course of urging me to send 10 copies to friends, the letter said the most amazing thing: “This letter will bring you luck. This works even if you aren’t superstitious.” That got me. in the spirit that anything could be made into a comic/comics can be made from anything, I took up the gauntlet. Here are highlights:

The comics medium is itself an unbroken chain of innovations, ideas, and unique voices. Let’s pay it forward. Comics Inventions starts January 31. Join us and/or add your panel to the comments section below (proportional to 3" wide by 2.5" high). Do not break the chain. 
UPDATE: I received this wonderful new panel by
Jim Siergey.
And here's another by
Daan Heemskerk
And here's one by Gary Martin:
Now it's your turn!
Contributors: Babushka, Nick Bertozzi, Kevin Diaz Bryan, Tony Consiglio, Clark Dissmeyer, Patricia Dubrava, Matt Feazell, D.S. Fields, Richard Florence, Brad Foster, Craig Gassen, Scott Johnson, Tim Kelly, Jim Lemons, Monobrain, T. Motley, Michael O’Keefe, John Peters, John Pham, Dennis Pimple, Jason Powers, Mark Putt, Alex Robinson, Joe Shuster (apologies), Jim Siergey, Andre Slob, Brendan Smith, Melissa Stander, Brad Thomason, Maximum Traffic, J.B. Winter, Stan Yan, Pieter Zandvliet.