Friday, April 28, 2017

Praise for Cartozia Tales

Here's a recent, substantial review of Cartozia Tales from Rob Clough's blog, High-Low.

Rob praises the series for its "ambition, playfulness, formal daring and fun"  and goes on to say, "that level of sincerity, effort and creativity is a remarkable tonic to the level of cynical, money-making tropes that I see in so much YA fiction."

He names me the creative team's secret weapon, for my "relentless commitment to formal experimentation" and "proclivity for whimsy and wordplay" (though he still doesn't like my scratchy ink work).

It's been a great run, but we're winding it down now.

We're working away at our climactic final issue (honest!), but we need more subscribers to get over the finish line. Please join us and tell your friends, too. They make great gifts for literate kids, y'know.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Sketches from the Anti-Trump Tax Protest, 4/15/17

After teaching a Saturday morning kids' class, I made it to Bryant Park for the crowded protests and did a bit of sketching:

Packed into the park, "overlooking" the street.

After the speeches, the marching began.

When the crowd finally cleared, I could see the stage.

I later doodled some impressions from memory.

Sunday, April 9, 2017

MoCCA Sketches

Francoise Mouly and Nadja Spiegelman urge you to submit to the second volume of their political anthology, Resist!
 I managed to do some sketches at this year's MoCCA Fest and include them in a blogpost I wrote for the School of Visual Arts' Continuing Education blog.

Speaking of, my summer CE courses begin in June and are enrolling right now: Inking Comics is on Tuesdays this summer, Figure Drawing for Cartoonists is on Wednesdays, and Cartooning Basics, Thursdays. I'll be at the info session May 18th. Come join the fun!

The panel, Teaching Comics Internationally with Ben Katchor, Jessica Abel,  Merav Soloman, and Bill Kartalopolous.
MoCCA Guest of Honor, Blutch, also spoke at the New York Comics and Picture Story Symposium.