Here's my story, "Belligerents," from Cartozia Tales #6.
In an earlier episode, Lupi McGinty had revealed that the character, Iisha, was infected with bully boils who harass her in her sickbed. I decided to make them caricatures of right wing blowhards.
Meanwhile, in the previous issue, Corinne Mucha showed Reshii's attempt to return with Iisha's cure thwarted by the sudden appearance of a rock band, Rubble, which is where the present story begins.

(The character, Dr. Iilyx, is one of our Kickstarter funders, Alyx, who paid for a cameo appearance in the comic. So's the cat, Az.)

Now we have a new campaign to reprint issue #1, and the original art to this story is offered as a reward. Please subscribe and tell your friends, too. This is a fun comic and we hope to keep it going.